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Full can only be selected, if there is a current address! If this is
the case, another window pops up (title: Full address...), which
displays all fields of the current address.
If there is an external file for the current address, you may select
the View external button to start the ASCII viewer together with the
corresponding external file.
Please notice that the ASCII viewer of your choice may be entered in
the DFA-Preferences program (cf. Edit).
The listview that displays the different fields of the current address
may be scrolled as follows:
Cursor down The listview scrolls up.
Cursor up The listview scrolls down.
Below this listview there is a gadget panel that may be used to step
through the addresses:
* First
The first entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
underlined letter you may alternatively use CRTL + Cursor Left as
the corresponding gadget shortcut.
* Last
The last entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
underlined letter you may alternatively use CRTL + Cursor Right as
the corresponding gadget shortcut.
* Prev. Sel.
If there is a selected item infront of the current one, it is is
displayed. Besides the underlined letter you may alternatively use
SHIFT + Cursor Left as the corresponding gadget shortcut.
* Next Sel.
If there is a selected item behind of the current one, it is is
displayed. Besides the underlined letter you may alternatively use
SHIFT + Cursor Right as the corresponding gadget shortcut.
* Prev.
The previous entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
underlined letter you may alternatively use Cursor Left as the
corresponding gadget shortcut.
* Next
The next entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
underlined letter you may alternatively use Cursor Left as the
corresponding gadget shortcut.
Ok closes the window, Edit opens the Edit window. The Edit window is
described in further detail in Edit.